Help Support Our Mission
Dog Evaluation Fund
Dog Evaluation Fund
This is an ongoing weekly fund to help support evaluations at Pinal County. These dogs are on Pinal County’s weekly list to be destroyed unless adopted or rescued.
Behavioral dogs are the ones most likely to be destroyed at county shelters. Some of these animals are listed as being unpredictable, fearful or aggression toward other dogs. These labels are assigned by the county staff often based on owner surrender information which is often exaggerated to avoid judgement and to justify their actions, or based on shelter staff observations or comments but we know that it takes a trained professional to avoid misreading important cues and behavior. We know there are many factors that come into play, staff does not have time to complete full assessments, many are not trained in dog behavior to be able to make that assessment and sometimes what a previous owner may say which when surrendering an animal, we just don’t know how much of the information is credible, adding to that, the fact that the facility is just in itself an environment that is scary and stressful and can sometimes bring out the worst in the best of animals. Given these dogs lives are on a fast approaching countdown, we want to make sure that these animals get an independent professional opinion so that people and rescues may see beyond the labels and look more at the potential.

Evaluations are $40 per dog and are conducted by third-party professionals, independent of the county.
Dog Evaluation Fund
Dogs listed on the “final e-list are selected by the county facility and are not selected based on if, or if not, the dog has had an evaluation. If a request is made to evaluate a dog, the evaluator has no control over the outcome. Fee’s are processed for services rendered.
Each evaluation takes ideally approximately 20 -30 mins, but there are many variables. It is not always possible to conduct evals on all of the dogs due to timing constraints, late contributions, funds, fractious behavior, etc. We encourage you to contribute as soon as possible.
The evaluation schedule will be posted each Tuesday. Requested evaluations, will take priority, please indicate in the message portion of your payment the “name” and “A#” of the dog(s). If you do not wish to assign to a specific dog, please write “apply to any e-listed dog”, we will try to apply fairly where most needed and urgent. The dogs will be evaluated based on the order of received requests. If no specific requests are made then they are evaluated based on the label applied; Aggressive; Unpredictable; Fearful.
This is just one way to help toward lifesaving. The clock is ticking… we are all they have! Thank you for your support!
NOTE: A POSITIVE EVALUATION DOES NOT ENSURE THAT DOG WILL BE SAFE. The county facility makes the decisions, at this point, evaluations by third party professionals are not yet factored in. A foster, rescue or adopter is always needed. Dogs are often mislabeled in shelters and the purpose of conducting these evaluations is to make a difference by helping potential rescues, fosters or adopters see past the labels and the potential of the dog and perhaps what foster/adoptive home might s/he best thrive in.